Sunday, September 28, 2008

Twitter Friend Challenge-September 28th, 2008

This afternoon, I received a 'twitter' from one of my Twitter friends, whom I value as one of my FableVision Ambassador friends. He is such a creative being, and I can only imagine what his classroom must look like. Apparently today, he was in need of what a co-worker means, so he could blog about it. I sat and wrote a few of the things that I consider from co-workers that I enjoy spending my days with.

Here are a few of my entries to him....

A co-worker should be someone who:

-you can trust
-you can rely upon at any given moment for honestly, acceptance, and support
-inspires your outside and inner spirits
-thinks like you occasionally, but differently on most occasions
-loves growing right along with you
-encourages you, even when creative wheels aren't spinning
-believes in who you are, and what you are made of
-loves finding ways to inspire you to become better--as a professional AND as a person
-excites you to make necessary changes after conversations or meetings you've shared
-learns from you and becomes better
-supports your decisions, but gives you new things to consider
-takes risks with you
-celebrates with you when things go well, and has a shoulder to lean on when they don't
-cares about your personal and professional development
-is friendly
-is constantly moving forward in thought, word, and creative spirit, and wants you right along side
-is humorous--makes you laugh when your not so funny bone is hurting (or your heart)
-makes you want to be more than you think you are capable of

I have been blessed with co-workers who possess many, and often all of these characteristics. I have been so very blessed throughout my life--both personally and professionally.

Add to my list and let me know what YOU consider to be characteristics of a great co-worker.

Go on and find the person above who will challenge you to be better tomorrow than you were today.

1 comment:

TJ Shay said...

The thing I admire and hope for in a colleague is that they always strive to be better than what they are. They will try different instructional techniques in the hopes of reaching all students.

Thanks for accepting my challenge today! It has been great fun to imagine the perfect colleague!