Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday, June 29th- James Surowiechi, Keynote at NECC-San Antonio

Here are some notes I took on his Keynote presentation:

*Groups of people are smarter than one of the smartest in the ONE person is smarter than the entirety of the whole.

*There is wisdom in crowds and power that never before existed.

*How to make your groups the smartest:
1) Aggravate: Find a way to aggravate group ideas and foster them into an idea for the group to run with. Find a working tool to help facilitate this.
2) Diversity: We all know that age and experience can vary with group members, so that is always something to consider as 'crowds' are made. Look for cognitive diversity--group members who will look at problems from different perspectives and use different tools to get the job done. (Key: do not make groups homogeneous...but DO place a devil's advocate in each group! It will make for better diversity and creative thinking!)
3) Independence: All group/'crowd' members should be able to think on own, and behave in their own ways as thinkers. As a rule, human beings tend to herd together like elephants, in order to protect themselves, when really, they are avoiding confrontation and getting to the real meat of the problem/issue to be resolved.
**an argument in the crowd tends to bring you closer to the truth, stretch everyone's thinking, and may even bring trust happen in a group consensus.
**groups are smartest when each member is able to think for his/herself

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