Thursday, May 29, 2008

Just Googling Along

The past two days of educational learnings of summer (aka: a teacher's summer vacation) have been spent in learning how to be a Googler! What you may ask is a Googler? Well, I'm not exactly sure, either, but the instructors-Jason Everett and Deanna Stall, have given a multitude of reasons to use the search engine: Google. There are SOOO many, many things that Google has to offer educators, and yet without the assistance of these two esteemed colleagues, I would NEVER have known all of the tools embedded in this amazing engine!

I am hopeful that I will recall all of the wonderful entities that I have learned. And yet, if I happen not to, I will simply go to the humble instructors and plead for their assistance! And to think that I was on 'summer vacation', learning and stretching my mind, and my education. What a fun way to spend a couple of summer days!

1 comment:

Jason Everett said...

Ah yes, Google is so vast that I don't think anyone can know everything you can do with it. That's the power of at least knowing what the tools are so that if you need to use them, you know when to pull them out of your toolbox. Thanks for coming to the workshop! I enjoyed having you here. :)